Useful Lessons For Life’s Journey


If you’ve grown weary of the ranging battles between your true potential and your past painful experiences, it’s time to arm yourself with the understanding it takes to win the war. With grace and a tenacious spirit, Cecily Mwaniki, in this small powerful book encourages you to remain positive and true to yourself for as she says you cannot build a new life on old thoughts and habits and that life is like a difficult exam in which many people fail as they try to copy others not realising everyone has a different question paper. As Cecily puts it, wisdom is an accumulation of knowledge over the years. It is therefore not enough to be knowledgeable but rather the use of that knowledge makes us wise thereby living God’s purposeful life.

As for the ‘REGRETS’, Cecily encourages you to make them lessons because lessons make us wiser but only if we take heed – we experience, we learn, then we do better. This small powerful and easy-to-carry-around book adds to your knowledge and the results of going through it will only make you thrive and soar in your career, your family, your business and your relationship with those around you. In life, you live and you learn for life is not just a collection of time but of experiences too. Remember, self-investment leads to fortune. To my fellow loved ladies, this book will challenge you to: Look like a GIRL, Act like a LADY, Think like a MAN and Work like a BOSS. And don’t worry about where you are at the moment as long as you take action because success is connected with action; successful people keep moving – they make mistakes, but they don’t quit. I know you are a woman of purpose and as you know, a woman who walks in purpose does not have to chase people and opportunities but her light causes people and opportunities to pursue her. As you do so, remember: Life is short – live it; Love is rare – grab it; Anger is damp – damp it; Fear is awful – face it; Memories are sweet – cherish them. Above all remember, it is in understanding that you get understood!


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